Data Response Limited

Database and Suppression Files

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PAF Validation
To ensure that all records are mailable, we will verify and enhance all lines of the address using the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF), however, some records can fail to reach PAF standard due to element that may need to be retained such as house names or other cherished address elements, these records can be verified and corrected manually.

Electoral Role Verification
This process will match the name and address of records on the client's database with the records on the latest Electoral Role (edited edition), where the occupant differs an updated name change can be performed.

National Change of Address (NCOA)
The NCOA file is built from the Royal Mail redirection service database, it consists of both the old and new addresses of movers, providing the capability of identify customer who have moved and also offers the facility to provide the new address of where that customer has moved to. The file contains over 11 million records going back to 1994.

Gone Away Suppression File
The Gone Away Suppression (GAS) file is a comprehensive suppression file, containing over 11 million records of individuals who have moved location since 1992.

Mortascreen File
Mortascreen is compiled of the details of individuals who have died with a registered estate valued in excess of £5,000. The data is compiled from probate registry records for England & Wales (1989 onwards) and Scotland (1996 onward).

The Bereavement Register
This is compiled by a registration scheme with information captured from a number of sources including, local government registration offices and funeral directors. This file can contain records of individuals who have died with less than £5,000 in their estate and was first released in 1999.

Business Suppression File
The Business Suppression File (BSF) is derived from data and goneaway information sourced from Companies House and a number of the UK 's leading business database owners and mailers. Its 6 million records include details of dormant and out of business companies, relocations and details of directors who have resigned.

Mailing Preference Service
The Mailing Preference Service (MPS) is the central register of individuals who have indicated they do not wish to receive unsolicited direct mail.

Telephone Preference Service
The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is the register of individuals who have indicated they do not wish to receive unsolicited direct marketing calls. Under Government legislation introduced on 1 May 1999 it is unlawful to make such telephone calls to individuals who have registered with the TPS.

Corporate Telephone Preference Service
The Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) is the central opt out register whereby corporate subscribers can register their wish not to receive unsolicited sales and marketing telephone calls to either all their organisation's telephone numbers, or to certain numbers. It is a legal requirement that companies do not make such calls to numbers registered on the CTPS.

Facsimile Preference Service
The Facsimile Preference Service (FPS) is the register of individuals who have indicated they do not wish to receive unsolicited direct marketing facsimile transmission. Under the Regulations it is unlawful to fax to an Individual unless you have their prior consent. The term "Individual" includes Consumers, Sole Traders and (except in Scotland) Partnerships.

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